Gay Men Shorter Noses, Lesbians Smaller Foreheads

Apparently, gay men looking like their own twins isn’t just a funny stereotype—it might be science!

Studies reveal that “gay face” could be a real phenomenon, and it’s not just about how well we groom ourselves. Back in 2011, research found gay men tend to have more symmetrical faces than their straight counterparts.

But before you credit that to flawless eyebrow maintenance or Botox, scientists dug deeper with high-tech software and found actual differences.

Turns out, gay men generally have shorter noses and larger foreheads, while lesbians tend to have upturned noses and smaller foreheads. So basically, your face may have been gay before you even realized it.

As one of the researchers hilariously summed up: We all look a bit like we were photoshopped into the same body. And if you’re wondering why every time you date someone they could pass as your brother, it’s probably science having a little joke on you.

So next time someone tells you “all gay men look the same,” just nod knowingly—it’s not shade, it’s evolution!

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